
Date: 11/03/2013

By: doug sinclair

Subject: childre stolen by ss

our two children were stolen by ss on grounds of emotional abuse,in january 2012
we have NEVER hurt our children
we were not given a fair hearing, the KSW lied on oath, the ss witheld important evidence from the court,our children have been and are being physically,emotional and mentally abused in the foster carers home, despite the children reporting this to school,s/w and us, the s/w and guardian have not done anything about it, in fact they said my daughter was being cruel,manipulative & spiteful, and s/w called my daughter a liar in court. my daughter is 4 yrs old
we were not allowed to call witnesses,no fact finding hearing,no ISW, no psychological assesments,only allowed an updated assesment, out human rights were breached...and our children human rights
good luck in getting justice for yourself and all of us



Date: 11/03/2013

By: Barry Turner

Subject: Video and Documents

Many thanks for publishing the video and the documents.
My grandsons were stolen by social services in December 2012.
My grandsons and I have done nothing wrong yet my grandsons and I are treated like a common criminal by being denied our Human Rights to a family life and association as laid out in The European Commission on Human Rights.
I wish you all the best in seeing justice done for all of us

Barry Turner




Nigel Cooper